
Please be aware that if you are reading these posts that I reserve the right to speak my mind on any of the topics listed. If you do not agree with me, you may do so on your own time. Also, I will be providing bits and pieces of the military lifestyle and information. The Navy is in NO WAY responsible for anything I state here, nor am I claiming to be completely knowledgable on all matters. These are my experiences, and mine only!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Dealing with infertility? The military will throw a wrench!

Alright, as you all know I have been diagnosed with PCOS. I just did my first round of fertility drugs, and it was unsuccessful. I am about to start my second round, and am doing everything I can to stay positive and have faith. There is one major problem with that though: I am married to someone in the military.

Why is this a problem, you may ask? Well, let's start with the obvious: my husband has a schedule that no one would trade for. If he is home he is exhausted, and planning for the next task he has. We have been lucky that this first month he was in schooling so we had plenty of Baby dancing time. But, now it is time to report to ship and that means underways, long work days, duty weekends, and the dreaded deployments. My fear? That I will pin point my special day of ovulation, and hubs wont be there for it. Well, say goodbye to a whole month.

Of course, I am not just complaining here, do not get me wrong. I am so grateful that my husband has a steady job, and does something that he loves. We have good health insurance and a constant income. I am grateful for what I have been given in this life, for sure. But, let's be honest. There is no way I am not going to have these fears in the back of my mind. I can not avoid being nervous that the military life is going to push this process even further back. Can I also open up, and express a sincere hope I have? Hubs will most likely be going on his first deployment around the beginning of this next year. Maybe, just maybe we can have a little nugget in the oven before he goes!!!?????

Wishful thinking I know. But, trust me; when you become a military wife you learn how to plan.

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